Saturday, 20 July 2013

A champion Review : Zed

Introduction to Zed's kit and mechanics.


Your main skill in laning phase, is similar to Kennen's Q but goes through all targets.


Spawns an illusion at the targeted area, this illusion copies your Q and E with the E slow being increased if used by the illusion. You can activate W again to swap places with the illusion making this your escape spell and gap closer.


A melee range aoe spell similar to Akali's E that slashes everything around you, has a 3ish second cooldown at lower levels. This is used as a ranged slow when combined with your illusion. You can use it twice within the duration of your shadow (W) and three times at max CDR.


You become untargetable for a second while dashing to the target. You then spawn an illusion behind the target when you reach your destination. After a few seconds your target is hit by your total AD + a % of any non true damage you dealt to the target during this time.

Main Combo using W as a gap closer :

You press W and immediately press E and Q after your E slows him for an easy Q hit. You then swap places with your illusion and continue to attack and use E as it has a 2-3s CD.
This is also your main harass combo in laning phase, where you toss an illusion and use skills but don't dash to the target afterwards.

Main Combo using R as a gap closer :

As soon as your ult casts, you'll have an illusion behind the target. you press E and Q similar to what you did with W as the enemy will almost always run in the opposite direction( into the illusion behind them ). You have to make sure you cast E fast though, landing Q depends on landing E. Swap with your R illusion and continue to auto and E if needed.

Role in the game

Zed is an AD caster.

Laning phase :

Farm, and kill enemies at 6 if you can.

Grouping for towers :

Zed has a kit suitable for poking enemies from far if needed.

Grouping for dragons :

You can Zone enemies with your illusion->slow followed by double shuriken.

Teamfights : 

You serve the role of the assassin in the team. Your job is to find their one main carry, and somehow get your combo off on them. Since Zed can get to carries so easily he's extremely fun to play.

When to pick Zed :

Champion select is important, Zed is best when picked against carries with no built in escapes like Kog'maw and is bad against picks like Singed, that become super tanky and still do damage.

Pros and Cons


  • One of the best champions to serve the assassin role right now.
  • Has insane burst.
  • Amazing mobility and juke potential if used right.
  • Doesn't fall off late game unless behind.
  • Amazing wave clear.
  • Is extremely fun to play.


  • Has a lot of hard matchups in top lane, hence making Zed mid a viable alternative.
  • Like any other AD Caster, will be useless if feeding/far behind.
  • Is easy to gank once his W is on cooldown.

Jungle/Mid Zed

  • First difference is that jungle Zed always maxes E.
  • Second Difference is your role in the game + items, depending on your top laner.
  • Also uses 21-9-0 so it falls off late game because of lack of items unless the jungler is a beast.
  • Uses 21-9-0 Mastery and plays more of a roaming carry role
  • Can use 15 AD in runes for highest kill potential with fort pot start
  • Gets a lot more cs making it easier to get items

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