
Tips for Beginners:

1. Stay away from the enemies turrets, unless you have minions or champion beside you...they will destroy you in a few hits.

2. There are loads of characters to choose from, finding one to suit you is daunting, but don't be afraid to experiment, playing against AI is a great way to experiment with new characters. There are lots of guides to help you understand each character and find one best for you

. If you find however the new character is too hard to play just stay beside your own turret and take down enemy minions to boost your gold for better items, so the turret will do damage for you and your not feeding.

3. It is a team game so work with your team and support your team even if it means you will die....I have been in games where our team has killed 20 the opposite team kills 52 but we all stuck together took down the turrets and won.

4. Jungling is a good way to make money, and level up but you need to be playing a jungler or you could die very easy at the early stages of the game, characters like sona bad for junggling, but good support for a jungler.

5. The recomended items are not necessarily the best items for the character you are playing so shop round, keep in mind when you are buying items the type of character you are playing. If you are a character good for damage there is no point buying all your items for defense, buy damage items and maby one or two defense items

6 Dont take on the big purple dragon ( AKA barron) unless the enemy team dead as they could gank you and always make sure you have the whole team with you...wait until you at least level 15 its worth it as it gives you 300 gold and (almost unlimited mana or may as well be) if you kill him

7. 3v3 is smaller map, but if you really want to build skill 5v5 better

8. Some lingo as follows bot is bottom top lane...mid is middle lane...gank is a gang attack , feeding is where you are dying allot , AFK is where a member of your leam or the enemy teams leave early....

9. There is a report button for reporting abuse at the end of each match, dont abuse it

Using these tips you should be able to successfully begin your league of legends career!

Hello summoners!

I have played this game since season 1. And yet i have never been banned or warned.
Im writing a small guide how i play this game and how following this would help you win more.

1. Know your game.
If you are a competitive player and want to imitate pro's. Play ranked.
If you are just playing for fun and stress free. Play normals.
If you are a casual gamer. Play custom/aram/dominion/tt.

Its no point to antimeta in ranked, if youre playing soloque.
Nobody else is wanting antimeta games and its only you. Dont be selfish.
Play normals instead and have premades. This way you dont piss off others for no reason.

2. Knowing your lane.
In champ select, Say your best lane and worst lane. This way everyone knows your strengths and can play more coordinated to win. 

STOP THE "I SAID FIRST". This only pisses everyone off and makes your chances getting your desired lane even lower.
I have developed my strengths at every lane but i'm most powerful at mid.

Be polite about it.

3. Abuse the ping system.
Instead of typing: "GG OUR JUNGLER NO GANK" 

Use OMW ping's so everyone know's that you're coming to help.
Use the ? ping if your lane is missing, instead of typing it in chat.
Use the assist me ping if you need a gank.
Use the danger ping to tell your teammates that its not a good idea to initate.
Use the V ping (back) to tell your teams to disengage and turn back.

I only use the chat function if i ask for item suggestions or other game related stuff.

I understand that the jungler cant always come to rescue you when you fail your lane. 
Just a simple assist me ping tells your jungler that you need attention next. Your jungler comes to help you eventually. Be patient.

Nobody us can focus on the chat when were getting that sweet 1-2-3 combo to kill that enemy mid. The smartping system is so much more efficent.

4. Reports

Don't beg for reports. It only makes you look like an ass.
Be quiet and calm and just report the toxic person after the game is over. (he will get eventually hes deserved justice. Don't worry.)

5. Chat
Stop making that kid's tantrum lose the game for you. 
Ignore that damn chat. Why do you care what that 12 year old kid thinks?
I have /all Chat disabled always. Made me improve since i don't have to see those taunts.

Abuse the mute button. Your teammates can still smart ping.

6. Premades

5 v 5 soloque:
40% your team gets a troll and 50% enemy gets a troll. 10% is you.
2 premade: 30% your team and 50% enemy team... 20% increase of not getting trolled.

Always prefeer duo queue since it gives a chance that the enemy has a bad team and you don't.

Don't spam WE DUO WE BOT. Learn to play all lanes and synergize with your team.

7. Losing
Report toxic players and move on to the next game. 
Losing a normal doesent mean anything. So don't get mad about it.

In ranked: You got outplayed. You had a troll in your game. It happened... 
And your raging wont make it go away. Just accept it and move on.

8. Stop being the leader.
STOP! Chat and be a team. Talk it out in the champion selection and discuss strategies and counters. Stop telling others what to do and try to learn from them.

If you're supporting a bad adc. Instead of flaming him and going dive dying on the enemy. Play it safe and be at the back. Follow the adc's movement and try to help him improve. 
I see bad ad carrys daily. I even go and admit it. Many times when i'm the adc. i win games.. That's why i always adc in ranked. Its a easier way to win. 

If i want to lay back and relax, i go mid/jungle/top instead. Its more relaxing and not boring as hell early.

9. Advice.
If someone tells you to build more survivability/damage. They only mean good for the team. Offcourse this works both ways. You only want to win right? Or you only want to have as much fun as possible. Many players need to stop being so butthurt about getting advice. Every player that just started this game can relate to running into towers and dying over and over untill they learn from experience. Sometimes its just worth it to say "don't do that, it doesent work in this game."

But always remember to be polite about it.. Nobody wants to hear that they suck and need to uninstall.

10. "I said first" issue.
When you're in ranked/normal draft pick. Come on. ITS DRAFT MODE. The "i said first rule" does not even apply in blind mode. So why do i see 9/10 times this phenomenon happening in DRAFT MODE?

This is the internet, NOT THE KINDERGARTEN. If you wish to apply "i said first" rules, please go to the nearest kindergarten and fight over for toys.. We are here to play and try to win.

11. Stats 
So many times i see children getting steamed up on K/D/A.. 
Lets break down what this means. 
Your kills = how many times you managed to last hit someone down.
Your deaths = How many times you got last hit.
Your assists = How many times you assisted on the last hit.

Still i see good adc's getting flamed by stupid teammates who only see hes K/D/A. 
So what if that adc has 1/5/0 early. He still dealt MOST DAMAGE IN THE GAME in the stats screen after the game. Its not about those flashy numbers. Its about how much your carry did damage.
Stop chasing kills all the time and for once see clearly what it takes to win a game.

This behaviour is so damn frustrating.

12. Honoring.

So many times this function is not used. Reason basicly is that its useless and you gain nothing from it. So why is it there?

Actually honoring people boosts the team morale 25% of the times. Its not a guaranteed friendly match but it sometimes calms people down and make them concentrate and stay friendly.. yes its only 25% chance but that's still better than nothing right?

When i play a game of league of legends, i ALWAYS honor people that are friendly and nice. I also inform them in game after mid game or so that i'm honoring everyone for being so nice and nobody flamed. This actually sometimes makes people even more happier and the game shifts more into our favor because of the morale boost.

Use this as a weapon to make happy people more happier. Cause happy people win games more than angry people. (Calm beats stressed anytime if its a equal match.)

Riot gave you a function to reward good players (good as in nice and kind). So abuse it and spam it if you see friendly people.. or atleast someone who did good plays during the game.

13. Improving yourself
You don't always win games. You have to accept that. 
This is a team game so if you have ex. 2 lanes that are failing. Always focus on your own lane and try to improve. Because you are training for the next possible game, and this time it might just be YOU that is failing hard. 

If your lane is failing hard and you can't seem to win. Just use the "assist me" ping and wait till your teammates are ready and can start to help you turn your lane. Try to stall the lane by getting GP10 items and playing very passively. This is rewarding if you see that you died twice and the opponent can simply snack you when you come too close. At this point when you lost your lane hard, you need 2 people to gank or else it wont be as effective.

Keeping the focus on your own game is extremely important in soloqueue. You can't rely on your teammates in soloqueue cause you don't have voic. You just have to rely on pings and hope if your teammates notice. 

If all other lanes lost. Just keep trying.. There might be that one enemy team member who decided to troll and boom. You have a great opportunity to win. Also keep a close look on whos team has the endgame champions. You might get steamrolled in the early but the late game is a different story.

14. Winning a 1-4 v 5
If you see that the enemy team had a afk from the start of the game or had a person who just kept walking in the center of the map to get picked off.
Why do you insist saying it was a good game and laughing at the team that losed.. 

Seriously are you that desperate that the only game you can enjoy is the 5v4's that are easy for you? Come on be supportive and say "sorry for your afker"
And move on. It wasn't a good game. It never was. its a bad game from the start. If you played a match where it was 5v5 and nobody did anything intentionally like walking in the center of the map all the time to ruin it, then it was a good game. Stop being a ass about winning. You got your win so be happy about it. Don't trash talk the losing team. Report the afker/troller and move on.

15. Map vision
If you have teammates that have no clue how to use the smart ping system and doesen't support you. Please keep looking at the minimap. 
In soloqueue its pointless to assume that your team has your back. Many times i initate a 5v3 and have 4 teammates walk away and it turns into a 1v3. 

Solution is:
Train yourself into looking at the minimap every 30 seconds. After you master the timing look. 
Then train yourself into looking at the minimap every 15 seconds. 

After a while of training you should take a quick peek at the minimap every 2 seconds to watch out for anything suspicious like empty lanes which weren't pinged. Or if you see a enemy jungler walking towards you. Its always worth it to check the minimap.

Stop complaining if you got ganked in mid. Its not your junglers fault. Its your fault for not buying wards.
Even i buy 2 wards after first or second back from mid lane. Its even turning into a habit.

16. Variable champion picks.
To totally stomp your opponent in a duel lane requires you to have knowledge on the opposing champion.
You should play like me and change your champion each game and try to stop playing the same character over and over again.
If you do this, you will: 

1. Learn new champs and be good at them.
2. Know exactly what the enemy is capable of because you played that champion yourself.
3. Know how to pick better in champion select just incase someone troll picks, you can still change your lane if you're already locked in.

After all. All the champs i own and purchased i have played over 10 times. That's why when i see a enemy "------" In the lane, i can easily counter pick and kill him because i have played that champion myself. Its pretty easy to knowledge which champions have mana problems early game, and which champions are squishy early.

17. Death
You're happily farming your Q on nasus when suddenly 5 enemies appear from your tower and from the bush and you cant do **** about it.
Stop trying to run away and die. Instead try to do as much as damage as possible before death. Its pointless to try and run from all that CC and die after. If you see that the full enemy team is rushing you, go to their tower and hit it a couple of times before dying.. Atleast then you do some permanent damage. 

Ignore raging teammates when you do this. Later they will see that it paid off. 
Always have your last stand when all hope is lost.

If you cant harm their towers. Atleast blow off all your cd's and try to burst atleast one enemy down before dying.. 
That will turn a free death into a enemy killed, worth it.


Many of you must think that all these tips are just common sense.. But why is the common sense lacking in every game in the lower MMR?

Stop waiting for everyone else to change.. Change yourself and wait. Things will improve in time.. Even if it takes 6 years. Just be patient and wait.. 

You guys have no idea how rewarding it is to see a good player from time to time. 
It almost makes this game a pleasure to play. (i automatically honor kind and nice players over actually skilled players.)

Feel free to comment. And please contribute by bumping this post back top.

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