Jungle Items

Jungle Items: Unleash the beast

Jungle items are items that generally increase your jungle speed and build out of  Hunter's Machete. There are only a few items here but its important to know how you should upgrade depending on what kind of jungler you are. I'm not going to put this section in alphabetical order since there are clear groupings of the items that I don't want to disturb.

Hunter's Machete
When to use it:If you're a jungler, start with this item. Your clear speed is too slow without it.
Who to use it with:Any jungler
Extra Notes:I recommend attack speed runes if you're going to be a jungler with this item since every attack applies 10 true damage. Attack speed will increase your damage and clear speed much more than having AP or AD runes.

Madred's Razors
When to use it:The essential item for junglers, practically mandatory on any AD jungler. It dramatically increases your jungle speed. (like a 25% chance for another smite on your auto attack)
Who to use it with:Any jungler, exceptions:  Nunu, Fiddlesticks, Cho'Gath, Amumu. Not that they can't build it, they can still benefit, but there are better options for them.
Extra Notes:Keep in mind that the passive 15% chance for 500 damage disappears if you build this into a Madred's Bloodrazor.

Wriggle's Lantern
When to use it: If you're an AD jungler or a tanky DPS who needs a boost in farm. Wards are OP and this item not only lets you jungle/farm faster, but also place wards in key places. The passive can give you a farming advantage in lane and can help take out super minions quicker in late game if one of your inhibitors happens to go down.
Who to use it with:Any AD based jungler
Extra Notes: With this item there should never be a period of time longer than a minute that it is not on cooldown. Place wards as often as possible to secure your team an advantage.

Spirit Stone
When to use it:An upgrade for the less AD focused junglers. Use this one for AP, Tank, and Support type junglers, though even AD junglers can benefit from this. It provides sustain through health and mana regen as opposed to Wriggle's lifesteal.
Who to use it with: Skarner Warwick Amumu Fiddlesticks, etc.
Extra Notes:You'll want to get this item ASAP as it provides good sustain while jungling so you'll be less reliant on potions. Consider how to upgrade based on the role you want to fill in the game.

Spirit of the Ancient Golem
When to use it:This is the  Spirit Stone upgrade for tank junglers.
Who to use it with: Amumu, Warwick, Alistar.
Extra Notes:Since this item provides tenacity, you're not restricted to buying  Mercury's Treads. Consider buying  Boots of Mobility for initiation or  Ninja Tabi for better defense.

When to use it:This is the  Spirit Stone upgrade for AD junglers who primarily focus on autoattacks.
Who to use it with: Warwick Lee Sin Skarner Udyr
Extra Notes:This item gives you the equivalent of a red buff without the slow. The passive stacks with red buff as well so it really amps up your clear speed AND it means you'll burn opponents for about 50-100 true damage per auto attack. Very nice.

Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
When to use it:This is the  Spirit Stone upgrade for AP junglers.
Who to use it with:  Fiddlesticks Diana Karthus
Extra Notes:This is one of the few items that provides spell vamp. This item seems specifically designed for fiddlesticks, as I can't see many AP junglers besides maybe Diana who need this select set of stats.

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