League of legends Tristana Guide
So you want to learn how to play Tristana?
Well that right there is the first step to success. Tristana is easily the best attack damage carry in the game as it stands. Her range per level passive makes her mid - late game dominance outstanding. But not only that she has one of the fastest attack speed drugs in the game, an insanely long range powerful passive jump, and her ultimate sets up ganks nicely.
So to begin : Spell order.
Spell order may not seem important to you, or you may already have one, but the spell order I use really lets you use tristana's kit to max potential. Her w (Rocket Jump) is a long range jump that does damage on landing, slows down enemies hit, and is reset by a kill or assist. The damage per level on this skill is great, so if you max this you will be able to harass with the enemies knowing that if they try to fight back you can escape, or pounce on them (with the help of a support), kill and jump right back.
After that her e. This helps a lot in farming (the explosive passive). The main point of this skill for me is the harass it helps offer. You can auto attack, then use it and auto attack again. It resets the attack, it does DoT, and prevents healing so they can't simply get a support heal and out trade you.
Then there is her Q. This attack speed drug gives you insane late game presence. Your range passive + this let's you dish out unfair amounts of damage without other people being able to retaliate one bit.
Your ultimate: a great asset for trist. You can use it to knock back enemies that may have flashed etc. to get to you in a fight. You can use it to finish off a foe, or knock back an enemy to set up a kill. The uses of this are endless, but the basics are straight forward, and you should aim to master those first before going on to finding excess uses.
So... How do you build this masterpiece of a champion?
Well... there are many known builds for adc's. Some are great, others aren't too great. I will show you the best possible build to get with tristana's particular kit.
To start get a doran's blade. This helps you CS very nicely, and often gives you an edge over the other adc. You can go in to auto attack when he goes to last hit and do great amounts of damage. 3 of these and you're ready to jump on him.
Try and farm enough for either a bf sword, or a vampiric scepter + boots on your first round back. At this point you should be able to do great amounts of damage so the build is easy to do after this.
Make sure you have a pair of attack speed boots, a bf sword and a vamp scepter. These are your core items.
After this build the vamp scepter into a bilgewater cutlass.
Then build towards an Infinity Edge.
After this get a Blade of the ruined king.
A static shiv follow this.
Next is a Guardian's Angel.
If the game is still going then finish it off with a last whisper.
What about Runes and Masteries?
For these it's quite generic.
21/9/0 Masteries. Attack Damage marks and quints. Armor seals, and magic resist glyphs (all flat).
How do I know what to do in certain situations?
Well you need to really play tristana to get a feel of how she works. You've got to understand her range per level, understand her damage/range on her rocket jump, and mainly you need to be able to position yourself as all adcs need to. You need to let your team peel for you, since you have great range. However since you have the cooldown passive on your rocket jump don't be afraid to jump in, nuke somebody, and jump back out. Early level lane phase you will need to poke like hell. Poke them to around half health. Get your support to go in on whoever's low. Jump in on them ignite, and presto, you've got first blood!
Thanks for reading the guide. There will be more guides on popular champions so make sure you stay tuned!
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