Physical Damage Items: Hit 'em hard, hit 'em fast
Physical Damage items are what you will be building on your ranged AD carries and bruisers. These items amp up your damage through attack damage, attack speed, armor penetration/reduction, and critical chance and sometimes provide sustain through lifesteal, among other benefical effects.
Atma's Impaler
When to use it:This item synergizes well with health items like Frozen Mallet and Warmog's Armor. Atma's is core for a lot of melee characters.
Who to use it with: Jax, Wukong, Jarvan IV, Xin Zhao
Extra Notes:You'll generally be building this item late since it's more beneficial to build health first, then atma's. Keep in mind that a character with 3000 health gets 60 AD from this, which is quite a bit considering the amount of survivability a character with 3000 health has (Jax gets even more due to his passive). The description for this item is tricky, it only increases the damage for your auto attack, it doesn't actually increase your bonus AD, which means abilities that scale off AD are unaffected.
Atma's doesn't see much play anymore due to its nerfs. The crit chance is often times useless for bruisers so it's somewhat of a wasted stat and without its previous strength there isn't much justification to running atmog's.
EDIT: Mastajdog says it DOES actually increase your AD, so it would affect skills, meaning the tooltip on this site (and possibly in-game) needs to be updated. Need to test myself.
Atma's Impaler
When to use it:This item synergizes well with health items like Frozen Mallet and Warmog's Armor. Atma's is core for a lot of melee characters.
Who to use it with: Jax, Wukong, Jarvan IV, Xin Zhao
Extra Notes:You'll generally be building this item late since it's more beneficial to build health first, then atma's. Keep in mind that a character with 3000 health gets 60 AD from this, which is quite a bit considering the amount of survivability a character with 3000 health has (Jax gets even more due to his passive). The description for this item is tricky, it only increases the damage for your auto attack, it doesn't actually increase your bonus AD, which means abilities that scale off AD are unaffected.
Atma's doesn't see much play anymore due to its nerfs. The crit chance is often times useless for bruisers so it's somewhat of a wasted stat and without its previous strength there isn't much justification to running atmog's.
EDIT: Mastajdog says it DOES actually increase your AD, so it would affect skills, meaning the tooltip on this site (and possibly in-game) needs to be updated. Need to test myself.
Avarice Blade
When to use it:One of the GP/5 items, use it on crit characters who are dependent on farm and gold.
Who to use it with: Gangplank, Tryndamere
Extra Notes:Get this item early, if you're just planning on building Youmuu's Ghostblade more characters benefit from building The Brutalizer first.
Bilgewater Cutlass
When to use it:If you're going to build Hextech Gunblade or Blade of the Ruined King
Who to use it with: on-hit AD carries ( Kog'Maw, Varus, Kayle and hybrid characters with gap closers ( Akali, Jax)
Extra Notes: It's got a precent decent active ability but you'll want to upgrade this item quickly as both of its upgrades are vastly superior.
Blade of the Ruined King
When to use it:If you're a character who specializes in on-hit abilities and attack speed or if the enemy is stacking health. It's a pretty versatile pick.
Who to use it with: Kog'Maw, Jax, Caitlyn, Varus, etc.
Extra Notes: This item has a great active as it steals movement speed similar to Malphite's Seismic Shard. It also deals more damage to enemies at full health since it does bonus damage based on the enemies *current* health. This item is a solid alternative to The Bloodthirster. If you're an AD carry, use the active to kite bruisers who are diving at you.
Bonetooth Necklace
When to use it: This item is for Rengar only and should only be used if you are really good with him.
Who to use it with: Rengar, obviously
Extra Notes: I generally don't like snowball items, they're too risky. This item is very strong with 14 trophies though, so avoid death at all costs if you do decide to get it.
Frozen Mallet
When to use it: This item guarantees that the enemy will not get away from you. If you're a tanky DPS character this item can be really helpful as it provides one of the best item based slows in the game.
Who to use it with: Trundle, Caitlyn, Renekton, Wukong, Shyvana etc.
Extra Notes: There is some debate as to whether the benefits of this item are more useful than those of Trinity Force. I generally lean towards Frozen Mallet, but Triforce provides more damage. This item fits in either the physical damage or tank section.
When to use it:A good item to counter mages through mid game, its stats fall off during the late game, so you'll likely want to upgrade to a Maw of Malmortius
Who to use it with:Works well with melee champs who have to get within casting range of that pesky mage e.g. Pantheon, Xin Zhao, Riven, Kha'Zix
Extra Notes:This item became pretty popular once its upgrade was released, and it provides solid stats for early game. It's also the only other magic damage shield in the game besides morgana's black shield.
Infinity Edge
When to use it: A solid pick for crit based champions. If your character can naturally get to 100% crit chance or has abilities that synchronize well with criticals, build this item hands down.
Who to use it with: Ashe, Gangplank, Tryndamere, Tristana, the list goes on.
Extra Notes: Build this item if you're build includes a lot of crit chance items. If you're build has a The Bloodthirster and a Trinity Force you probably won't benefit much from this item's passive.
Last Whisper
When to use it:Use against armor heavy teams, this item is more useful the more armor your enemy has as it is percentage based reduction.
Who to use it with: Caitlyn, Tryndamere, Ashe, AD champs in general
Extra Notes:This item doesn't offer that much AD so you're really better off saving it for late game when enemies are stacked up on armor. Data shows that this item after a certain point in the game increases your DPS more than buying a bloodthirster does, so keep that in mind.
When to use it: Use this if you are an AD carry or non-mage who built a Tear of the Goddess
Who to use it with: Urgot, Corki, Blitzcrank, Ezreal
Extra Notes: This item is pretty great not for itself, but for its automatic upgrade Muramana. Don't worry about upgrading your Tear of the Goddess too early. This item will help you build the mana faster, but it will only really pay off when its close to getting its upgrade.
Maw of Malmortius
When to use it: Use this on bruisers and AD casters who need to be in the center of a fight to maximize effectiveness. This item will save you from focus burst and AoE damage while you're in the fray.
Who to use it with: Riven, Darius, Shyvana, Talon, etc.
Extra Notes: This item is an upgrade for the Hexdrinker. The idea is to provide physical damage while countering AP champs. When fighting a mage with this item, wait for the shield to pop up before you decide whether to disengage. In close fights in can make a huge difference.
Mercurial Scimitar
When to use it: If you're an AD carry who's built Quicksilver Sash (see that item for conditions to buy, the upgrade is a no brainer)
Who to use it with: Tryndamere, Ashe, Vayne, Sivir, etc.
Extra Notes: Melee champs get a bonus effect when using this item, so consider building this over other defensive alternatives like Maw of Malmortius when playing champs like Tryndamere, Master Yi, or Fiora.
When to use it: The automatic upgrade for Manamune. You won't have to think about getting this item, but try to stack up that mana quickly because the active is pretty great.
Who to use it with: Urgot, Corki, Ryze, Yorick
Extra Notes: Remember that this item empowers single target *spells* as well, not just auto attacks. For this reason some casters like Ryze can benefit from this item a lot.
When to use it:Useful on tanky DPS characters and since it's a component for Trinity Force it is fairly common. Use this item if you have trouble sticking to your foe.
Who to use it with: Nasus, Trundle, Irelia, Ezreal, Shyvana,etc.
Extra Notes:Choosing which component of triforce to build first when rushing is dependent on what type of character you have. This item is often built first since it provides the stats that bruisers need early game and Bruisers are the ones most commonly building Trinity Force. Also keep in mind that this item has a diminished effect for ranged champions.
Phantom Dancer
When to use it: If you're playing an AD carry, this item is extremly useful.
Who to use it with:Literally any AD carry can benefit from this, except maybe Corki or Tristanasince they have built in ways of running away or closing the gap with their target.
Extra Notes: Build the zeal first and then upgrade later, you won't regret it.
Ravenous Hydra
When to use it: If you've built a Tiamat, upgrade soon.
Who to use it with: Shyvana, Fiora, Tryndamere
Extra Notes: This item has the second most AD on a single item, even surpassing Infinity Edge. The only thing that beats it is a stacked The Bloodthirster. The AoE lifesteal is great in team fights and is great on disruptors. Don't buy this on a ranged champion though, it won't work.
Runaan's Hurricane
When to use it:A strong item for ranged on-hit style champions
Who to use it with: Teemo, Kog'Maw, Varus, Kayle
Extra Notes: While the bolts only apply half of your attack damage, each bolt applies a full on-hit effect, including other item effects like Malady or Blade of the Ruined King. This item is great for team fights and can be used to push lanes quickly.
Statikk Shiv
When to use it:A solid alternative to Phantom Dancer. Use this for AD carries who want to farm easily and to have a larger impact on teamfights.
Who to use it with: Ashe, Tryndamere, Master Yi, Gangplank
Extra Notes:This item builds up charges by attacking AND moving, so you're very much encouraged to attack-move (moving between autoattacks) with this item. Learn the skill as it's very important as an AD carry.
When to use it:Good item for AD carries who need CDR or for AP/AS hybrids.
Who to use it with: Kog'Maw, Teemo, Kayle, Varus
Extra Notes: Zephyr is a pretty solid item upgrade so don't hesitate to buy this on on-hit AD champs.
Sword of the Divine
When to use it:Use it if you want the equivalent of burst damage on an AD champ. This is a somewhat risky choice over items like Phantom Dancer, but the pay off can be great. Use it on crit based champions.
Who to use it with: Tryndamere, Ashe, Jayce
Extra Notes:A niche pick but can be very powerful if used at the right moments. Don't waste the passive on tanks as you'll be much weaker afterward. Your Attack speed and thus your DPS will be significantly lower afterward.
The Black Cleaver
When to use it:A very strong item for AD casters. It provides every stat they need.
Who to use it with: Talon, Garen, Riven, Wukong, Pantheon
Extra Notes: This item is core on every AD caster and those with abilities that hit more than once benefit even more. While it can be stacked (and it was a terror when it could be done viable), the unique armor penetration means it's not completely efficient to do so. If you do stack it, the passive will be applied multiple times, but the maximum armor reduction stays the same. I.e. with two black cleavers, Talon's Rake will apply the maximum armor reduction on the second hit.
The Bloodthirster
When to use it:Use on AD champs, the sustainability and damage this item offers, especially in 1v1 situations, is enormous. Champions who farm minions well will be able to get max stacks quickly.
Who to use it with: Caitlyn, Tryndamere, Tristana, Sivir, etc.
Extra Notes:As this is a stacking item, you really need to avoid dying once you buy this, a fully stacked bloodthirster is like having another BF sword and vamp scepter.
The Brutalizer
When to use it:Good item for bruisers and AD casters. The early game armor penetration and CDR can be useful and it offers the same amount of attack damage as a Pickaxe for a marginally higher price.
Who to use it with: Nocturne, Renekton, Talon, Gangplank, Vi
Extra Notes:Pretty solid item, and it's hard to argue with that 1337 price. You'll likely want to rush this item if you're building a The Black Cleaver since its stats are very strong in the early game.
Trinity Force
When to use it: The current meta game favors this item a lot. The all around stats it offers are optimal for any melee champ or off-tank.
Who to use it with: Irelia, Nasus, Ezreal, Alistar, Nidalee, Darius
Extra Notes: Builds generally rush this item due to its all around utility, but it is expensive, so keep in mind that you might want to consider other options to keep yourself more consistent while you build it. This item pretty much fits into any category due to its all around stats, but you'll mainly see it on the above champs.
When to use it:A good item for bruisers and melee carries who want to have a larger impact on teamfighs. Good for pushing lanes as well.
Who to use it with: Shyvana, Fiora, Master Yi, Tryndamere
Extra Notes:This item applies the most damage to closer enemies so try to keep them bunched together. Also, don't forget to use the active. It acts as an autoattack that does damage in an AoE around you, but you don't actually need a target.
Wit's End
When to use it:Used for AS characters and bruisers who want to counter mages.
Who to use it with: Volibear, Teemo, Xin Zhao, Master Yi, Shyvana
Extra Notes:Wit's end + the 4 stacks gives you a little more m. resist that a negatron cloak (50 vs. 48)
Youmuu's Ghostblade
When to use it: A great item for duelist champs who specialize in obliterating a single enemy. Also useful for securing dragon or baron.
Who to use it with: Tryndamere, Master Yi, Fiora, Gangplank
Extra Notes: This item's usefulness comes from its active, don't forget to use it. It's a somewhat rare pick though.
When to use it:Used for AD carries or anyone with Trinity Force as a core item.
Who to use it with: Ashe, Gangplank, Vayne, Irelia,etc.
Extra Notes:This item is pretty much useful on anybody, it's bonus movement and attack speed for cheap.
When to use it:Use with AD bruisers who are dependent on abilities and attack speed.
Who to use it with: Vi, Skarner, Master Yi, Olaf
Extra Notes: While a somewhat niche pick, this item is a great tenacity alternative to Mercury's Treads and provides the highest bonus movement speed at 10%.
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